Lost In Space
Lost in Space is a sci-fi adventure series that follows the Robinson family, who are selected to join a space colony mission. However, when their spacecraft veers off course, they become stranded on an unknown planet. As they struggle to survive in a dangerous new environment, they encounter an enigmatic robot, strange alien life, and a cunning stowaway, Dr. Smith. The series explores themes of survival, family bonds, and resilience as they work to find a way back to their original mission.
2024-12-20 11:47:43
very bad!
2024-12-20 11:27:50
I loved how this series explored multiple perspectives. Each episode revealed something new about the characters, and the cinematography made every scene stand out.
2024-12-20 10:10:59
This series took me on an emotional journey I wasn’t prepared for. The characters are well-developed, and each episode keeps you hooked till the very end. I’m eagerly waiting for the next season!